How to maximize your Baidu SEO success in 2021
Date:2021-08-06 click:1064  
If you want your business to succeed in the Chinese marketplace in 2021, then enlisting the help of a Baidu SEO agency to help with your strategy is absolutely crucial. Baidu is by far the largest search engine used in China and a Baidu SEO service has helped clued-in businesses get ahead of the competition.

However, you should be aware that effective SEO on Baidu is a very different challenge to what you would face on Western search engines, most notably, of course, Google. Baidu is younger and less-developed than their world-renowned counterpart, meaning their algorithm works in a different way.

As such, what works on Google might not work on Baidu, so you will need to tailor your strategy. So, with the new year just started, it’s the perfect time to draw up your Baidu SEO plan for 2021, and get to work. Here is the GUIDE you will need to help you on your way.

1. Host your site in Mainland China
It is clear that speed is a part of the Baidu ranking algorithm, so you should be doing everything you can to have your site load fast. One of the most important ways to achieve this is by hosting your site on the Chinese Mainland.

This does require more effort, as you will need to register for a Chinese business licence and apply for an ICP license. However, the results will certainly pay off.

2. Be mobile responsive
The future of search is mobile. Baidu now places heavy importance on a mobile responsive site, as this is how most of their users are performing searches.

This may mean investing some money into a site redesign, but it will definitely be worth it as a mobile-friendly Chinese site is only growing in importance.

3. Use simplified Chinese
There are variations of the Chinese languages that are used in places, such as Hong Kong or Taiwan. However, Baidu has shown time and time again that it places preference towards sites that use simplified Chinese.

4. Keyword research is paramount
This is hardly something new but is something that modern search marketers sometimes lose sight of. An effective keyword research strategy is needed to ensure your site can easily be found for a multitude of searches.

Do be aware, however, that Baidu has progressed beyond the stage of keyword stuffing and will simply punish sites that are trying this tactic.

Despite the wealth of information available nowadays about Baidu SEO, some companies are still falling into these 3 COMMON PITFALLS.

1. Cashing in on adverts
Adverts are notorious for slowing down your site, which Baidu will punish you for. If you are interested in the long-term success of your site, consider removing advertisements wherever possible.

2. Running Flash
It appears that Baidu is still not capable of crawling Flash. This is one way the search engine differs greatly from Google.

3. Focusing on link quantity over quality
Though their algorithm is behind Google’s in terms of sophistication, it has advanced to the point of recognizing Black Hat SEO. In particular, they now place greater attention on link quality instead of quantity, so this tactic will no longer work.

To help your site succeed in 2021, here are 4 BONUS STEPS you can use to improve your rankings further in Baidu.

1. Submit your sitemap to Baidu webmasters
2. Use a Chinese-based CDN
3. Pay attention to your meta tags
4. Place important keywords at the top of articles to help their less-powerful bots

As the most populated country on Earth, China certainly possesses endless opportunities for companies looking to scale and grow internationally. But, for this very same reason, there is fierce competition for sites looking to rank well on Baidu.

To ensure your strategy is correct, and help you capitalize on this huge market, it is worth bringing in outside help. That is where we come in.

We are a specialized Baidu SEO agency who knows what works and what doesn’t. We can help you avoid all of the common pitfalls, and save you months of wasted time trying to learn the ropes.

To find out more about the Baidu SEO service we offer, and to help you make 2021 the most successful year for your company so far, contact our team today.